How to make digital photos look like film

In recent years, film photography has experienced a resurgence in popularity, despite the widespread availability of digital cameras and smartphone cameras. Many photographers appreciate the unique qualities of film photography, such as the grain, color reproduction, and dynamic range that cannot be replicated by digital cameras.

The purpose of this article is to provide tips and techniques for photographers who want to achieve a film look in their digital photos. Whether you are a film enthusiast who wants to recreate the look of your favorite film stock, or a digital photographer who wants to experiment with a different aesthetic, this article will provide you with the tools and knowledge to achieve a convincing film look in your digital photos.

Understanding the Characteristics of Film Photography

To achieve a convincing film look in digital photography, it is important to understand the unique characteristics of film. Film has a different color response and dynamic range than digital sensors, and film grain can add texture and depth to an image. Understanding these characteristics will help you to replicate them in your digital photos.

Techniques for Achieving a Film Look in Digital Photography

There are several techniques you can use to achieve a film look in your digital photos. These include:

  • Using presets and filters: There are many presets and filters available that can mimic the look of various film stocks. These can be applied in editing software such as Lightroom or Photoshop, or in mobile apps such as VSCO or Huji Cam.
  • Adjusting color balance and tone curve: Adjusting the color balance and tone curve of a digital photo can help to replicate the color and contrast of film. This can be done manually in editing software or by using presets.
  • Adding film grain: Film grain can add texture and depth to a digital photo. There are several ways to add film grain, including using presets or filters, or by using a dedicated film grain plugin or app.
  • Using selective focus: Many film cameras have a shallow depth of field, which can create a dreamy, ethereal effect. You can replicate this effect in digital photos by using selective focus techniques, such as using a wide aperture or selectively blurring parts of the image in post-processing.

Making iPhone Photos Look Like Film

Many photographers use their iPhones as their primary camera, and it is possible to achieve a convincing film look with an iPhone photo. There are several apps and settings that can help you to achieve this, including:

  • Shooting in RAW format: Shooting in RAW format allows you to have greater control over the editing process and can help to replicate the color and contrast of film.
  • Using apps with film presets: There are several apps available that have presets that can mimic the look of film. Some popular apps include VSCO, Huji Cam, and Filmborn.
  • Adjusting exposure and contrast: Adjusting the exposure and contrast of an iPhone photo can help to replicate the dynamic range of film.
  • Shooting in natural light: Many film photographers prefer to shoot in natural light, which can create a warm, nostalgic look. You can replicate this look by shooting your iPhone photos in natural light and adjusting the white balance and color temperature in editing software.

Creating a Vintage Film Look

If you want to achieve a vintage film look in your digital photos, there are several techniques you can use. These include:

  • Using color grading: Color grading involves adjusting the color balance and tone curve of a photo to create a specific look. To create a vintage film look, you can adjust the color balance to create a warm, nostalgic look.
  • Adding texture overlays: Texture overlays can add a vintage, textured look to a digital photo. These can be applied in editing software or by using apps such as Mextures or Union.
  • Shooting with vintage lenses: Using a vintage lens can add a unique character to your digital photos. There are many vintage lenses available that can be adapted to modern digital cameras, allowing you to achieve a vintage look without having to use a film camera.


In conclusion, achieving a film look in digital photography is not an exact science, but with the right techniques and tools, it is possible to replicate the unique qualities of film in your digital photos. Whether you want to create a warm, nostalgic vintage look or replicate the dynamic range and texture of your favorite film stock, there are many ways to achieve a convincing film look in your digital photos. Experiment with different techniques and tools to find the look that best suits your artistic vision and style.